Thursday 14 August 2008

In Supreme Court Filing Time Warner Hits Fcc

Although it does non own whatsoever TV stations of the Cross itself,Time Warner has filed a brief with the Supreme Court, which has agreed to review a court order striking depressed the FCC's decision that Fox Television had profaned FCC rules by spreading "fleeting indecency" during live awards ceremonies in 2002 and 2003. In its filing,Time Warner expressed concerns that, if the courtyard upheld the FCC determination, the delegation might be encouraged to institute "copycat restrictions on non-broadcast [i.e. cable] speech." Time Warner is the nation's second-largest cable operator, behind Comcast. "In light of the tools available to allow viewers to choose what cable television speech to hear and not here, the governance cannot perchance establish that content-based restrictions on such speech pass First Amendment muster," Time Warner said.


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